Any time is a great time to get a massage! You don’t need to wait until you’re stressed or injured. Massage works wonders as preventive care by reducing stress, promoting embodiment and awareness, and improving mobility and muscle tone. Instead of waiting until your back hurts from overwork or stress, or the headaches that start at the back of your skull begin to pound, or the stress of every day life is driving you to your limits, try scheduling a massage before these things happen. A regular massage is a wonderful way to cope with stress, both physical and emotional, and to keep if from causing discomfort or harm to your body. It is a lot easier to keep yourself regulated and pain-free with preventative massage, than it is to treat the pain after an injury has occurred. Keep in mind that you are much more likely to injure yourself when you are under stress, and that stress can flare up old injuries and medical conditions. Regular massage is a great way to build your relationship with your body and cope with the stresses of everyday life.
If you have sore muscles or a nagging injury or pain condition, have TMJ disorders, have regular headaches, or if you are under a lot of stress, massage can help you and your body cope. Get in touch with me at if you have any specific questions or want more information!