What should I expect after my massage?

When the massage is over, I will leave the room so that you can get dressed in privacy. If you have fallen asleep, I will wake you gently. Massage and bodywork can be extremely relaxing, affecting all your body’s systems so be sure to give yourself a moment to re-orient yourself and pandiculate (think a dog languidly stretching and wiggling after a nice nap) before slowly getting up.

Most people feel very relaxed after a massage. Some experience a significant decrease or freedom from long-term aches and pains. Many feel a little slowed down for a short period and then notice an increase of energy, heightened awareness and increased productivity which can last for days.

If you received a deep massage, you may be slightly sore the next day – much like a good workout at the gym. Sometimes an ice pack, a hot shower, or a soak in the tub can help ease this soreness. A bath with Epsom salts can help to aid in further muscular relaxation after a massage. Let me know if you feel more sore than this after a session! I may want to adjust the techniques or pressure used in future sessions to ensure you are comfortable afterwards.

After your session I recommend that you stay hydrated and eat nourishing foods.  If you can, take a nice walk or do something else that makes you feel alive.  Naps are also great.  Basically I like to use this section of the FAQ as an excuse to encourage folks to practice self-compassion and a certain amount of self-indulgence.  

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